Example Intensive Programme Structure

Programme usually consist of three phases. Rather than having rigid timescale, each Phase ends as the Young Person achieves a certain level of progress, thus providing the foundation for the following phase. Using regular reviews. feedback and good inter agency communication the program will be responsive and adaptable, allowing a space to process unforeseen events or issues in the Clients life that may occur during the process.

NOTE: Individually designed programmes contain different combination and elements and do not necessarily contain ALL of those listed below. This example is to illustrate some of the areas it is possible to cover with a client. It may contain a greater emphasis on practical activities and support, or, on emotional support and talking sessions, depending on individual needs.

Three Phase Programme

Phases are divided into three general areas with overlap:
1- Looking Back and Letting go - Emotional Understanding, Forgiveness, Release and Resolution 
2- Being in the present - Building Self Image: Establishing new Patterns and Self-beliefs 
3- Looking forwards - Life skills and Strategies for Success and Well- Being.

Phase One -Possible Content

  • Establishing Trust and Ground rules
  • Setting Aims, Targets and Goals
  • Identifying boundaries, limitations and unreal expectations
  • Exploring Hopes and Fears
  • Building Emotional Vocabulary - Its OK to feel
  • Overview of history -Identifying key traumas and original sensitising events
  • Breaking Trances and Stopping Transference - Leaving the past behind
  • Releasing Blame and Forgiving Self and Others
  • Managing Relationships - Formal, Acquaintances, Families, Friends and Lovers
  • Sex and Sexuality - Feeling OK about who I am
  • Resolving Guilt and Shame 
  • Allowing Self- Love and Acceptance

Phase Two

  • Increasing Self-Esteem and Confidence
  • Establishing healthy routines, habits and thought patterns
  • Identifying Negative thought Patterns and Beliefs
  • Examining Self-defeating behaviours
  • Releasing Anger and Rage and channeling it positively
  • Managing Fear and Anxiety
  • Learning about Healthy Eating, Exercise, and Physical Self Care.
  • Accepting and Being “Good Enough”
  • Building a positive Self Image.

Phase Three

  • Building a vision for the future
  • Life skills and strategies for success
  • Setting goals for the future
  • Establishing positive interests and hobbies
  • Anchoring healthy thought patterns, self-beliefs and self-love
  • Establishing routines for school, work and career
  • Feeling safe, being safe and keeping safe
  • Learning from failure - reframing and turning it round
  • Managing the home - Budgeting, Health, Hygiene and Maintenance
  • Accessing Services - How, Who and When?
  • Endings and Beginnings - Letting go and moving on

NOTE: Although the process entire contains embedded psychotherapeutic techniques, it is important to be clear that it does not involve intensive or intrusive psychoanalysis. Rather it is a holistic mix of solution focused, client centred, resolution therapy, mentoring, and life skills training and support. A majority of the work is delivered through engaging practical exercises and activities designed to enable and empower. Providing Clients with the understanding, insight, skills and tools to better maintain mental and emotional stability and achieve a more successful future.